A 17-year-old woman was killed on Friday in Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, when two thugs pulled her dupatta, causing her to fall off of her bicycle, and another motorcyclist ran over her, according to police. Sanjay Rai, the Ambedkar Nagar Additional Superintendent of Police, stated, “We received a complaint yesterday evening that some men misbehaved with two girls who were returning from school. A girl lost control of her bike and was struck by a bike coming from behind. The accused have been taken into custody after the family filed a complaint. Further research is being done.
The deceased identified as Nancy (17) was returning home from school with her cousin. On way back to her home, miscreants pulled by her ‘dupatta’ and due to loss of balance, the student fell in the middle of the road along with the bicycle, in which the bike coming from behind crushed the student. The student died in this incident.
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