Seventeen Members of the Parliament including BJP leaders Meenakshi Lekhi, Anant Kumar Hegde and Parvesh Sahib Singh have tested positive for coronavirus on the first day of the monsoon session of Parliament on Monday. Apart from this, Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia was also found Covid positive as India registered 92,071 new cases and 1,136 deaths in the last 24 hours. With this, the country’s Covid-19 caseload crossed the 48-lakh mark. The total case tally now stands at 48,46,428 and death toll is at 79,722.

On Monday, Sisodia took to Twitter to announce he has tested positive for Covid-19. “I was experiencing mild fever and got myself tested for corona and the report came back positive. I have self-isolated,” Sisodia said.

Delhi reported 3,329 fresh cases of Covid-19 out of 44,884 samples test- ed for the virus in the last 24 hours. The national capital also recorded 26 more Covid-related deaths and another 3,374 recoveries during the same period. There are now 2,21,533 confirmed cases of infection in the national capital, including 1,88,122 recovered patients, 4,770 casualties and 28,641 active cases. A total of 21,84,316 samples have been tested for Covid-19 in Delhi to date. The national capital’s infection rate stands at 10.14 per cent while the recovery rate is 84.91 per cent, and death rate is 2.15 per cent.

Maharashtra’s case tally is now higher than Russia’s 10,68,320 cases on Monday. The state reported 17,066 new cases, taking the total number of cases in the state to 10,77,374. So far 15,789 people have been discharged and 257 deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours. 7,55,850 recoveries were also registered and there are 2,91,256 active cases in the state. The state’s death toll now stands at 29,894.

Tamil Nadu continued to log a downslide in the number of Covid-19 patients with those cured exceeding the new infections. The number of Covid-19 cured and discharged per- sons in the state was 5,799, taking the total tally to 453,165. The number of persons who had tested positive for coronavirus in the past 24 hours stood at 5,752, taking the tally to 508,511. The state recorded the death of 53 Covid-19 patients, taking the toll to 8,434. Chennai continued to head the Covid-19 infection table with 991 persons testing positive for the virus and the total tally standing at 149,583.

Gujarat recorded 1,334 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, taking its tally to 1,14,996, while the death toll rose to 3,230 as 17 more succumbed due to the virus. Mean- while, 1,255 patients were discharged, taking the total recoveries to 95,265. The state currently has 16,501 active cases, out of which 93 critical patients are on ventilator. Of the new cases, hotspot Surat saw 278, Ahmedabad 175, Rajkot 151, Vadodara 131 and Jamnagar 120.

Haryana reported 2,488 new Covid-19 cases and 25 deaths today, taking the total number of cases to 96,129 including 74,712 recoveries and 1,000 deaths. There are 20,417 active cases in the state. Punjab Health Department said that the state has reported 2,496 new COV- ID-19 cases, 1,463 recoveries and 70 deaths, taking active cases to 20,690, recoveries to 58,999 and death toll to 2,424.

As many as 1,229 more persons were tested coronavirus positive in Jammu and Kashmir on Monday as its total tally crossed 55,000. 837 new cases were reported in Jammu division and 392 in Kashmir division. The tally now stands at 55,325 in the Union Territory. With 17 more fatalities—9 in Jammu division and 8 in Kashmir division—the UT’s death toll reached 895.

After the recovery of 36,381 patients, active cases now total 18,049 in J&K, including 9,895 in Jammu division and 8,154 in Kashmir division.

As many as 2,540 new coronavirus cases were reported in Kerala on Monday. 2,110 more patients were cured and discharged in the state. At present, Kerala has 30,486 positive cases, whereas 79,813 patients have been cured in Kerala.

With agency inputs