The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Uttar Pradesh has formed a 12-member monitoring team. The party chief and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh has declared that the team consists of members, including sitting MLA Chaudhary Surender, and advocate Priyanka Kakkar, who would keep an eye on the performance of AAP in the state.

This monitoring committee will directly be governed by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and MP Sanjay Singh. The main task of this team is to closely monitor the performance and growth of AAP in Uttar Pradesh.

MLA Chaudhary Surender is the sitting MLA from Gokalpur, Delhi, Chairman, District Development Committee, and will now be working towards strengthening the organization in UP.

Speaking of the vision of AAP in Uttar Pradesh, MLA Chaudhary Surender said: “The vision of AAP means access to proper healthcare, education, water, electricity & several other measures which directly affect the common man. The foundation has been laid in UP by AAP leader Sanjay Singh and it is for this reason that the party contested on all 403 seats in UP and forced the opposition, be it Samajwadi Party (SP) or the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to include promises of free electricity in their manifesto, although it is unrealistic to expect any other party to fulfill any of its poll promises.”

Supreme Court lawyer Priyanka Kakkar, who was earlier the key changemaker and hailed as the master strategist of the AAP Telangana unit, is also a part of the team. In Telangana, she managed to bring the first win for the party in local elections, opening its account in South India.

Kakkar said: “Although UP is a tough ground divided into caste lines, fuelled further by hate politics of the BJP, she was looking forward to expanding the vision of AAP under the leadership of Sanjay Singh who was also instrumental in laying the foundation for Punjab’s landslide victory.” The team also includes other members like Nitin Tyagi, Kumari Chhavi Yadav, Sarabjit Singh Makkar, Harsh Kalra, Brijlal Lodhi, Dr Altaf, Meenakshi Srivastava, Mahesh Tyagi, Pushpendra Srivastava and so on. The party is also planning to contest in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh Assembly elections.

Tanmaya Das

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