In the Devachi Urali neighborhood of Pune, Maharashtra, officials reported on Sunday that 11 illegal Bangladeshi nationals, including three minors, were intercepted and detained in a joint operation by the Pune city police and the Military Intelligence unit of the Southern Command of the Indian Army. A senior Pune Police official stated that the accused were also discovered to be in possession of voter ID cards, Aadhaar cards, and PAN cards that had been created through forgery. Police added that details regarding these citizens of Bangladesh were made public following a tip from the Military Intelligence Unit.
An engineer created an AI-powered robot using ChatGPT to control a nail gun, enabling fast…
Sanjay Roy found guilty of rape and murder in RG Kar case, but claims innocence…
Biliary tract cancer (BTC) is a rare and aggressive cancer that affects the bile ducts,…
Father of RG Kar trainee doctor breaks down after Sanjay Roy's conviction for rape and…
Sanjay Roy, convicted of the RG Kar rape-murder, insists he was falsely implicated and names…
A Delhi Police head constable was injured when a vehicle in former Jammu and Kashmir…