Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has instructed officials to make preparations for holding the Vibrant Gujarat Summit in the near future to revive industries in the state. The fact that the Vibrant Gujarat Summit will now be held in 2022 is clear from the fact that the Chief Minister has invited Ezine Nikolai to join the next Vibrant Summit with a delegation of Russia’s Sakha-Yakutya trade and industry leaders.
During the conference, CM Rupani held consultations with Sakha-Yakutya Republic Head of State Ezine Nikolai and his colleagues on partnership between Gujarat-Sakha Yakutya in various fields of development, and mutual interest was shown especially in diamond, ceramics, timber and pharmaceutical sectors. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to deliver a video address at the closing session of the Eastern Economic Forum. The closing session will also be attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
CM Rupani said that earlier in 2019, at the Easton Economic Forum, Prime Minister Modi and Russian President Putin had placed special emphasis on regional cooperation. Gujarat tops the country in sectors like chemicals, petrochemicals, dairy, pharmaceuticals, cement, ceramics, gems and jewellery, textiles and engineering. Ezine Nikolai was also invited to participate in the forthcoming Vibrant Summit with a delegation of Sakha-Yakutya trade-industry leaders.
To strengthen Gujarat’s international representation, Chief Minister Rupani may visit the Dubai Expo in the first week of October and a Gujarat stall may be set up at the Dubai Expo. Global industrialists and entrepreneurs gathered at the Expo will join the Vibrant Gujarat Summit and in 2022, the Gujarat government is now set to host the National Defense Expo, so it will ensure that defense-related industries come to Gujarat.
The Dubai Expo is to be held from 1 October, in which the present global companies will be invited to come to Vibrant Summit. Next year’s Vibrant Summit will have a different look and will have more one-to-one meetings. The government is also preparing to hold a National Defense Expo with a high back-to-back plaintiff. India is gaining a foothold in defence production, so this is a good opportunity for Gujarat.
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