MUMBAI: It is confirmed that actor Vidyut Jammwal and ace fashion designer Nandita Mahtani are engaged. Vidyut took to Instagram and made his relationship with Nandita official on Monday. He revealed that they got engaged on 1 September. The couple visited the Taj Mahal in Agra to celebrate the special occasion a few days ago. He also posted two pictures. In the first image, the two can be seen climbing a wall and in the second one, they can be seen posing in front of the Taj Mahal.
Reportedly, Vidyut popped the question to Nandita while rappelling down a wall in an army camp. “Did it the ‘Commando’ way. 01/09/21,” Vidyut, who is best known for his role in ‘Commando’ franchise captioned the post.
Nandita, too, shared the news with her Instagram followers. “Couldn’t keep him hanging any longer…said yes! 1-9-21,” she wrote.
Congratulations poured in for the couple from netizens. Ananya Panday commented, “Yay! Congratulations Nandss.”
“Congratulations…lots of love,” Amrita Arora extended her greetings. Other celebrities such as Sussanne Khan, Dia Mirza, Tusshar Kapoor and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni also wished the couple.
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