MUMBAI: Ahead of the release of ‘Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein’, actor Tahir Raj Bhasin opened up about his experience of working with Shweta Tripathi and Anchal Singh in the thriller. In the Netflix show, Tahir plays Vikrant, a simple, young man in love with Shikha (Shweta), until he realises he’s the object of desire for Purva (Anchal). That’s when his life takes a turn for the worst. In order to save his loved ones from the passions of a very ‘determined’ woman, he transforms into someone unknown to himself. “I am not complaining. Working with both Shweta and Anchal was a really joyous experience. Both of them are supremely talented and gorgeous ladies and I felt lucky to be in that space. However, I can’t say the same for Vikrant. He loved Shikha and wanted to be with her and then Purva came and turned his world upside down. So yeah, it was an extremely fun opportunity for me but rather challenging for my character,” Tahir said. ‘Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein’ will be out on January 14.
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