MUMBAI: Actor Sunny Deol, on Sunday, unveiled his look from his upcoming project ‘Soorya’. Taking to Instagram, he dropped a picture in which he is seen sitting on a staircase, looking lost in some deep thoughts. Describing his character, Sunny wrote, “He had all the happiness, but then the journey of life took away his happiness and he was left with hate, anger and vengeance. But Soorya found a purpose….#Soorya”
His salt and pepper look garnered a lot of likes and comments from netizens. “What a look,” a social media user commented. “Can’t wait for this film. You look amazing,” another one wrote. As per reports, ‘Soorya’ is a Hindi remake of the Malayalam crime thriller ‘Joseph’. Apart from ‘Soorya’, he is also working on ‘Gadar 2’ along with Ameesha Patel.
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