MUMBAI: Sunny Deol and Pooja Bhatt will be seen sharing screen space in R Balki’s directorial ‘Chup: Revenge of Artist’. On the occasion of legendary filmmaker Guru Dutt’s death anniversary on Sunday, Akshay Kumar took to Instagram and announced this upcoming project of Balki. Akshay wrote, “After watching this, one cannot stay #Chup! I have so many questions, what an intriguing poster! Eagerly looking forward to it, #RBalki.” “Guru Dutt is right on top of that list. I have had the story for a long time and I am glad we finally wrote it and are almost done filming it,” said Balki. ‘Chup’ also stars Dulquer Salmaan and Shreya Dhanwanthary. It is expected to release in the first quarter of 2022.
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