MUMBAI: The trailer of ‘Sharmaji Namkeen’ launched on Thursday, unveiling two of Hindi Cinema’s legendary actors – late Rishi Kapoor and Paresh Rawal who have come together to play the coming of age story of the retired protagonist.
The film also stars Juhi Chawla, Suhail Nayyar, Taaruk Raina, Satish Kaushik, Sheeba Chaddha and Isha Talwar in pivotal roles. The three-and-a-half-minutes long trailer showcases the story of B. G. Sharma (Kapoor and Rawal), a 58-year old widower who struggles to cope with his boring retirement.
He keeps finding ways to keep himself occupied and happy but only ends up getting in his sons’ ways. One day, he comes into contact with a bunch of merry women, that includes Juhi Chawla, who rekindle a passion for cooking in Sharma and help him find his true calling. ‘Sharmaji Namkeen’ will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on 31 March 2022.