Mumbai: Three years after their National Award-winning film ‘Badhaai Ho’, Junglee Pictures is all set to take the love for the movie to the next level with ‘Badhaai Do’. The movie is directed by Harshavardhan Kulkarni. Ever since the makers have announced the on-screen couple Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar, it has piqued curiosity among the movie buffs and fans. The family entertainer also features Seema Pahwa, Sheeba Chadha, Lovleen Mishra, Nitish Pandey, Shashi Bhushan amongst others. Building the anticipation further, the makers have officially announced the theatrical release date of ‘Badhaai Do’ on Republic Day Weekend 2022. Raj will be essaying the role of a cop in a ‘Mahila Police Thana’ and Bhumi will be playing the role of a PT teacher in the film.
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