MUMBAI: Rajkummar Rao is all set to work on a new film titled ‘Bheed’. The upcoming project will be directed by Anubhav Sinha. Excited about the film, Rajkummar said, “I am thrilled to be working with Anubhav Sinha. It’s a matter of great honour and privilege to collaborate with a filmmaker who has such a distinct voice. Reuniting with Bhushan Kumar feels like coming back on home turf after the success of Ludo last year.”
Anubhav is extremely happy to get Rajkummar on board. “Bheed is one of those titles that the whole team jumps at the moment you propose it. To me, casting was crucial. Raj is a very intriguing actor. He is one of the very few actors who can be so successfully transparent in a story. There always was a keen desire to work with him and I am looking forward to it. I am honoured to have a solid collaborator like Bhushan on my side who is such a strong pillar and a sturdy sounding board,” he shared.
‘Bheed’ is touted as a socio-political drama, which will be shot across Lucknow. It is expected to go on floors in November. Also, the movie is jointly produced by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series and Anubhav’s Benaras Mediaworks.
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