Punjab Police launched a crackdown against smuggling of paddy/rice from other states and have registered 8 FIRs against 16 persons for attempting to sell their produce in the state, since the paddy procurement commenced from October 3, 2021.

The Police have also arrested 8 persons after seizing 7260 quintals of paddy/rice besides impounding 7 vehicles/trucks in different districts including Mansa, Patiala, Kapurthala, Tarn Taran and Sangrur, officiating DGP Punjab Iqbal Preet Singh Sahota said here on Tuesday.

The DGP said that as many as 94 Inter-State Nakas have been set-up and different teams of Punjab Police have been deployed at state borders to keep vigil and prevent any illegal arrival of the paddy in the state. During the special checking, over 1500 vehicles/trucks were flagged down by the Police teams across the state, he added.

DGP Sahota said that ADGP Welfare V Neeraja has been deputed to supervise the Inter-State Nakas to prevent unauthorised food grains and paddy in the state. Meanwhile, a total of 217547 MT of Paddy has been procured till date in the state.