MUMBAI: Bollywood actress Nushrratt Bharuccha, on Thursday, shared a motion poster of her new upcoming film ‘Janhit Mein Jaari’ on her social media.
Nushrratt took to her Instagram and shared the film’s motion poster, which had a super catchy foot-tapping soundtrack. In the caption, she wrote, “Ek womaniya sab pe bhaari, yeh suchna hai #JanhitMeinJaari.”
Producer Vinod Bhanushali and writer-director Raaj Shaandilyaa had earlier announced the film with a quirky poster. Shaandilyaa has also penned the film’s script, which has been directed by debutant, Jai Bantu Singh.
Produced by Bhanushali Studios Limited and Think Ink Picturez in association with Shree Raghav Entertainment LLP, the movie commenced filming today in Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh.