Punjab and Haryana high court had refused to intervene into the case of a couple recently staying together in a live-in-relation saying that if a couple has decided to stay in such a relationship, then court will not judge them. So in wake of this, it is evident that everyone has the right to his or her privacy but such a relationship has not been approved by the law as well as the society. In this series, a new trend is being reported in Haryana that a lot of the couples staying in the live-in relationship continue to separate from each other after a certain period which clearly indicates that such relationships don’t have a longer life. It is revealed by information provided by the Haryana State Women Commission (HSWC). Lack of the patience between the partners emerged as their separation too early .Thus, the couple opting to reside together without the sanctity of the marriage are likely to face dire consequences in future.

Preety Bhardwal Dalal, Chairperson State Women Commission, Haryana

As many as 1150 complaints have been received by the commission during the last 6 months and the complaints of the couples having above relationship continue to surface which is a clear indication of shattering society and moral values.

Regarding the same, Preety Bhardwal Dalal, Chairperson of the state women commission said that we need to inform the couples about their rights and duties before they get married. In view of this, a recommendation will be sent to the state government to establish a pre-marriage counseling centre so that the couple can be given the timely required information.