MUMBAI: Kajol along with her mother Tanuja and sister Tanisha marked her presence at a puja pandal to offer prayers on the occasion of Durga Ashtami on Wednesday. She was also accompanied by her son Yug. Several pictures and videos have been doing the rounds on the internet, in which Kajol can be seen sharing smiles with her mother and sister. In one of the clips, Kajol’s son can be seen clicking her pictures. Family get-togethers are one thing that Kajol loves. A day ago, she even broke down while meeting her relatives after a long time. For the Durga Ashtami, Kajol chose to wear a silk blue saree, which was adorned with a heavy border. Tanuja and Tanisha were also spotted wearing stunning sarees. Kajol even shared a picture of her look on Instagram. “Day 2 . Wishing everyone a very happy Durga Ashtami.#daytwo,” she captioned the post. Meanwhile, on the work front, Kajol will be seen in Revathy’s directorial ‘The Last Hurrah’.
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