Punjab and Haryana High court in its recent decision in the case of Dr. Komal Gupta, specially-abled asked National Medical Commission to constitute a committee to check her eligibility for Post Graduate Medical Courses. This is after the plea filed by Dr. Komal Gupta, a visually impaired MBBS Doctor, through her lawyer Gaurav Kumar Bansal, Advocate, Division Bench of Hon’ble Chief Justice of Punjab & Haryana High court has directed “National Medical Commission” to constitute a “committee” to look into the “eligibility” of Dr Komal Gupta.

Gaurav Kumar Bansal, advocate while arguing for her client namely Dr. Komal Gupta informed the Hon’ble High Court that despite the fact that the Board of Governors (BOG) in its 13 meeting decided that they will constitute a committee to look into the eligibility for specified PG courses which students with varying types & degrees of disability could pursue, NMC has not constituted such committee and because of this nonaction by “National Medical Commission” students with disabilities like petitioner are not only facing discrimination but also denied to pursue Post Graduation Medical Education Courses.

Dr Komal in her petition has stated that she has pursued the MBBS course with the same percentage of Visual Disability and now the denial to pursue PG course solely on the basis of disability is nothing but discrimination by NMC.

After hearing Gaurav Kumar Bansal, advocate appearing for petitioner (Dr Komal Gupta), Hon’ble division bench headed by Hon’ble Chief Justice of Punjab & Haryana High Court directed the NMC to constitute a committee as decided by BOGMCI in its 13 meeting and to decide the eligibility of Dr Komal Gupta.

Advocate Gaurav Kumar Bansal stated that no institute should be allowed to show disparity to specially-abled or disabled people. Making someone deprived of studies; is yet another shock for them being disabled. Court had asked the NMC to walk the talk and constitute the committee.