Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao (KCR) has announced that his government will provide financial assistance of Rs 10,000 each to 3-4 lakh families affected by heavy rains and floods in and around Hyderabad.

The minister for municipal administration and urban development, K.T Rama Rao, visited various inundated colonies in the GHMC limits and handed over Rs 10,000 each to the flood-affected residents.

The minister visited MS Maqta and Raj Nagar in Khairatabad, MJ Colony in Shaikpet, Nadeem Colony in Tolichowki, Ayyappa Colony in Nagole, and Lingojiguda in L.B Nagar. 

Speaking at Ayyappa Colony, he said the government is handing over Rs 10,000 to provide temporary relief to the families. 

Officials will soon inspect the damaged houses and submit a report to the government. The government will provide more financial support to the families whose houses were partially/fully damaged, he added. 

He assured the people that the government will come up with permanent solutions to avoid flood-like situations in the city.

Earlier, the minister had held a review meeting with Hyderabad MLAs and MLCs at Pragathi Bhavan. He had instructed the public representatives to stay on the ground for the next 10 days and assist those who need help.

KTR appreciated the MLAs and MLCs decision to donate their two-month salaries to the CM’s Relief Fund and appealed to all elected public representatives, residential welfare associations, and NGOs to come together and support the government’s relief measures.

The minister also asked the MLAs to ensure that financial assistance reached all the affected families in their respective areas. He directed them to visit relief camps and inspect the measures and facilities being provided there.

On the other hand, TRS leaders who are facing the backlash of the public as Uppal TRS MLA Bethi Subhash Reddy tasted a bitter experience during his visit while the locals abused and threatened him not to come back. Even KTR faced the same situation but the timely intervention of police stopped the public anger.