MUMBAI: Actors Deepika Padukone, Siddhant Chaturvedi, Ananya Panday and filmmaker Karan Johar, who all are part of Shakun Batra’s next film, on Sunday, shared BTS stills from the film on social media hinting an upcoming announcement. All of them took to Instagram and shared monochrome stills from the film. In one picture, Deepika and Siddhant could be seen sitting on a beach. In another, the ‘Padmaavat’ actor was seen resting her head on Siddhant’s shoulder while he watched the sunset. There were also behind-the-scenes shots feating Shakun, Ananya and Rajat Kapoor. In her caption, Deepika wrote, “Yes…It has been a bit of a wait. But as the saying goes…Sometimes, the longer you wait for something, the more you appreciate it when it finally arrives! Hopefully, the same holds true here. I took the opportunity to be a part of something that I believe was truly magical. And with love in my heart and utmost gratitude, I cannot wait to share our labour of love with all of you… Stay tuned for the announcement tomorrow!”
Karan wrote, “Layers of emotions, feelings and characters – wrapped with the perfect cast to make you dive deep into this world. The team has been working on this to make it perfect for you and we’re extremely grateful for your support and love. We are finally arriving…announcement out tomorrow!”
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