MUMBAI: Actor Deepika Padukone was only 12-year-old when she tried her hand at writing poetry for the first time. On Sunday, the ‘Piku’ star took a stroll down the memory lane and shared the poem ‘I Am’, which she wrote when she was in 7th standard.
The poem read, “I am a child with love and care. I wonder how far the stars reach. I hear the rush of the waves. I see the deep blue sea. I want to be a loving child of God. I am a child with love and care. I pretend to be a blooming flower. I feel the soothing hands of God. I touch the mountains way so far. I worry if I am liked by all. I cry for the ones who need God’s tender touch. I am a child with love and care. I understand that life must end. I say you must work hard. I dream what I ought to dream. I try to do my very best. I hope I deserve the very best. I am a child with love and care. (sic).”
She captioned the post as “My first AND LAST attempt at writing poetry!” She added, “This was in grade 7. I was 12. The poem was titled ‘I Am’. We were given the first 2 words that you see…and the rest is history!”.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Deepika is currently busy shooting for ‘Pathaan’, which also features Shah Rukh Khan and John Abraham.