With 4 days left in Ellenabad by-poll, the contestants hailing from all parties are leaving no stone unturned to win the battle. Amid this, political experts are of the opinion that the most contestants are likely to face infighting due several reasons. Pawan Beniwal, who has been fielded by the Congress party, is most likely to face infighting after he was given a ticket and his uncle Bharat Beniwal was denied ticket. The Congress claims to convince him in support of his nephew Pawan. In continuation to this, Bharat has started canvassing for Pawan but possibility of infighting can not be denied. It is worth mentioning that Pawan and Bharat both were in Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) earlier and joined the Congress.

On the contrary, Govind Kanda who is fighting the election on the ticket of ruling faction BJP, will have to face more hurdles as he does not seem in a position to recognise who can harm him in terms of voting in the party. Although, he is putting his best to emerge as winner in this battle. He recently joined the BJP leaving his brother Gopal Kanda’s party Haryana Lokhit Party (HLP) who continues to support the ruling party BJP.

n this series, Abhay Chautala, who believed to be the strongest claimant of the victory, is also facing hurdles as his own brother Ajay Chautala and his nephew Dushyant Chautala (both JJP leaders) continue to convass against him at large scale and may get. him decreased vote bank. Abhay has won this seat thrice back to back and Ellenabad has been considered as his bastion. Besides , the Congress stalwarts namely Bhupinder Singh Hooda,leader of opposition and the state party president Kumari Seleja are on toes to get their contestant victory. Besides, more than 20 Congress legislators along with Deepender Hooda, Rajya Sabha MP and son of Bhupender Singh Hooda are canvassing in support of the party candidate

Thus, the by poll has turned into a multi-cornered battle to some extent. All parties have fielded their star campaigners for canvassing and similarly, the Chief Minister and the BJP stalwart Manohar Lal has to visit Ellenabad for the canvassing. In wake of the ongoing scenario, the by-election has become a battle of prestige which is evident from the presence of all party stalwarts in Ellenabad. Thus, all party leaders are on the toes to woo the voters.