MUMBAI: Celebrating the festivities of Diwali, on Thursday, several B-town celebs took to their social media handles and shared wishes commemorating the festival of lights. Taapsee Pannu shared a picture of her along with her mother and sister. In the caption she wrote, “Let the Lakshmi Puja beginnnnnnn 🙂 HAPPY DIWALI.”

Abhishek Bachchan too shared an Insta post that had a small note. It read, “Aap sabhi ko diwali ki haardik shubhkamnaye.” Ishaan Khatter shared a photo collage that featured pictures of him with brother Shahid Kapoor and sister-in-law Mira Rajput. “Happy Diwali,” he wrote, in the caption. Arjun Rampal celebrated Diwali by visiting the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir with his close friends and family. Sharing pictures from his visit on Instagram, Arjun, in the caption wrote, “Happy Diwali everyone. Lots of love, peace and prosperity. Had a beautiful Dharshan at the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir.” Earlier in the day, several other Bollywood celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan, Shilpa Shetty, Kangana Ranaut, and others, also extended Diwali greetings to fans.


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