Mumbai: Ayushmann Khurrana recently spoke about ‘Dream Girl’ as it clocked two years. Ayushmann said, “Consciously or unconsciously we are constantly conditioned to stereotype everything around us. Sometimes, we aren’t even aware that we are either getting stereotyped or stereotyping others or stereotyping ourselves.” He credited Raaj Shaandilyaa and Ekta Kapoor for trying to convey this important message through the film. Ayushmann said, “I loved the script of ‘Dream Girl’ as it told us to not stereotype ourselves as that would limit us from realising our potential and make a difference. It told us that when we break this cycle, we can action positive change in society.”
He added, “Karamveer broke away from stereotyping himself when he decided to become Pooja. To me, that was a fresh and disruptive thought and it hit home for me because I’m constantly looking out for such subjects that stand out and have a message to give to audiences.”He will be satiated as an actor if he continues to be on this mission to shatter stereotypes.
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