MUMBAI: Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, who recently wrapped ‘Ek Villain 2’, is now all geared up to start shooting for filmmaker Ajay Bahl’s ‘The Ladykiller’.

Arjun will start filming in the first week of April and sources suggest that the actor will be heading North for about a month to shoot this gritty suspense drama. “Arjun is not taking any breaks after wrapping Mohit Suri’s ‘Ek Villain 2’. He has started prepping for Ajay Bahl’s ‘The Ladykiller’ that will start in the first week of April. The team is definitely heading North to shoot this film as the setting too plays a prominent element in heightening the plot point,” the source revealed, adding that Arjun “has started an intense 3-4 hours of prep per day for this film.”

‘The Lady Killer’ chronicles the story of a small town playboy who falls in love with a ‘self-destructive beauty’ as they embark on a whirlwind romance. Bahl, who previously helmed movies like ‘BA Pass’ and ‘Section 375’, will be directing this film that is being produced by Bhushan Kumar and Shaailesh R Singh.

Meanwhile, apart from ‘The Lady Killer’ and ‘Ek Villain 2’, Arjun’s future projects also include Aasmaan Bhardwaj’s dark comedy ‘Kuttey’.