MUMBAI: Superstar Akshay Kumar has started shooting for ‘Oh My God 2’, directed by Amit Rai, and he will essay the role of Lord Shiva in the film. On Saturday, Akshay took to Instagram and announced the project. He also shared the first poster of the film wherein he can be seen donning Lord Shiva’s avatar. “Karta kare na kar sake shiv kare so hoye. Need your blessings and wishes for #OMG2, our honest and humble attempt to reflect on an important social issue. May the eternal energy of Adiyogi bless us through this journey. Har Har Mahadev,” he captioned the post.
Apart from Akshay, the movie also features Yami Gautam and Pankaj Tripathi. Akshay also shared a glimpse from the film’s set in Ujjain. Sharing a clip, he wrote, “brahmaand ka praarambh jahaan, brahmaand ka prasthaan jahaan, aadi aur anant kaal ke svaamee , bhagavaan mahaakaal ke aashirvaad lene tapasviyon ki nigari Ujjain pahunche main aur mere mitra @pankajtripathi #OMG2.”
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