MUMBAI: We are all aware of celebrities visiting different places in the country to promote their upcoming projects. Taapsee Pannu’s upcoming film ‘Rashmi Rocket’ will be releasing on 15 October. The trailers and songs of the movie have been well received and people are waiting to watch this spectacular movie the moment it releases. Taapsee, Priyanshu, and Abhishek Banerjee will be visiting Ahmedabad in a day for special promotions and it is also reported that while promoting her movie the stunning actress may visit ‘The Statue of Unity’ in Baroda. It seems the team of ‘Rashmi Rocket’ plans to pay homage to this monument which is one of the greatest symbols of unity. ‘Rashmi Rocket’ primarily deals with the issue of gender testing in sports. The movie is based on Rashmi, an incredibly fast runner who dreams of crossing the finish line as an athlete and making a mark for her country. However, she soon understands that the race to the finish line has multiple obstacles and what seems like an athletic competition turns into her personal battle for respect, honour, and her individual identity. The central topic of the movie is gender testing in sports.