NHRC chairperson Justice Arun Kumar Mishra on Thursday, while chairing a webinar with HRDs, said: “No tribal should be evicted without the settlement of his/her claim on land rights.”
Justice Mishra further assured that the Commission will look into what best it can do with regards to the policy on the adjudication of the claim of tribal people on their lands and distribution thereof. He was chairing a webinar organized by the Commission with the Human Rights Defenders & Civil Societies on human rights issues during Covid-19 and future responses. He also said that the Commission is committed to the review of various laws from human rights perspectives.
Justice Mishra said that the Commission intends to continue its dialogue with human rights defenders and civil society organizations to collaborate on the efforts for the promotion and protection of human rights, more so at a time when the country faces a challenge in the form of Covid-19 pandemic.