MUMBAI: Luv Ranjan’s untitled next directorial featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor has got a release date. The film will release on 26th January, 2023 on the auspicious occasion of India’s Republic Day. Beginning this year, the makers had announced that the Ranbir-Shraddha starrer will release in Holi 2022. But now the new theatrical release date of the movie has built the anticipation even further, especially amongst the fans of Ranbir and Shraddha. After delivering back-to-back super hits like ‘Pyaar Ka Punchnama’ franchise and ‘Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety’, Luv Ranjan is currently busy finishing his next untitled romantic comedy starring Ranbir and Shraddha in lead roles. While there has been a lot of speculations regarding the other cast of the film and its story, the details of the highly-anticipated project have been kept under wraps by the makers. But the news of Ranbir and Shraddha sharing the screen space for the first time has got the audience quite excited. Interestingly, the movie also marks the first time collaboration between Ranbir and Luv. According to news, the makers are in Delhi to start the last leg of shoot