MUMBAI: The excitement around the Hindi adaptation of ‘The Night Manager’ is thick in the air. It has already been reported that Aditya Roy Kapur will mark his OTT debut by essaying the author-backed role in the remake of the Golden Globe Award-winning series. Now, a new picture of Anil Kapoor and Sobhita Dhulipala is making rounds on social media. Hot off the press news is that Anil Kapoor and Sobhita Dhulipala have joined forces with Aditya Roy Kapur for his web show. A source revealed, “Aditya Roy Kapur, who will play the titular role, has already begun filming the series. The actor will step into the shoes of Tom Hiddleston. Meanwhile, Anil Kapoor and Sobhita Dhulipala will join him to essay the pivotal characters of Hugh Laurie and Elizabeth Debicki, respectively.”
Sobhita Dhulipala shared a picture with Anil Kapoor against the backdrop of an airplane, giving waves to the speculation. ‘The Night Manager’ remake will mark Aditya Roy Kapur and Anil Kapoor’s second collaboration after Malang. Meanwhile, Aditya Roy Kapur is gearing up for the release of his out-and-out actioner, ‘OM’, on 1st July 2022. He also has the ‘Thadam’ remake in the pipeline. On the other hand, Anil Kapoor has ‘Jug Jugg Jeeyo’, ‘Thar’, ‘Fighter’, and ‘Animal’, while Sobhita Dhulipala has ‘Made In Heaven’ Season 2 on the horizon.