La-La Land means, “ to think things that are completely impossible might happen, rather than understanding how things really are.” ( Cambridge dictionary) Following, I will argue that Justin Trudeau, Ottawa and aspects of Canadian culture are more towards fantasy land on security; even well beyond but overlap. And why?

Sometimes, given the preceding I wish my country, Canada had a great sage. And for Canadian, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, politically and ideally that would have been Mr Narendra Modi. But forgive me, to say this, the Indian prime minister is too busy.

That is to give enough lessons on good leadership. Meanwhile, Ottawa should at least do what is right and clean up the security hole in Canada so India can get on better dealing with its 1.4 billion people and the needy. Than partly playing out on the global stage dealing with the Canadian PMs troubles, pure superficiality and lack of depth which is embarrassing, irrespective whatever vote banks it might serve him opportunistically.

However Canada, the country at least still rates high on many international rankings, which to a certain extent reinforces its credibility when at times, its PM speaks out globally. That should not be too taken away from. But some of these indices in my analysis are too based on the preference for the western model and excessive woke values at times. And most of these rating agencies are generating their data through mostly a Eurocentric prism, albeit with an updated version.

That is on recognizing historical and colonial type and based racism and genocide on aboriginals, for example and much more. But now Ottawa feeling all this past being recognized enough, along with its government Charter of Rights, well in place and supporting more outwardly human rights in general, may think Canada gets a free pass. That is on Khalistan issues, supporting Ukraine with its neo-Nazis and rather Canada’s fairly hidden Nazi past. No, it does not and if Trudeau does, he and too many of his countrymen and women are further living in La-La Land.

Furthermore , if the prime minister confiscated the bank accounts of truck drivers during the COVID scare period, it must be because zealous truck drivers did something more horrible as promoting violence as some Khalistan separatists advocated and got away with? Or was this a case of mixed up parallelism as some of these Khalistan activists got away with terrorist activities in Canada while none of the punished truckers showed any real signs of real terrorism.

Contrastingly, India seized real extremists’ assets. In India, recently, (And by the way ,New Delhi left their truckers alone.) Go figure? Trudeau’s thinking on terrorism and extremism is too scatalogical, understandingly for most sane rational individuals? Additionally, it must be a delusion that puts him further into La-La “goo” to see Khalistan sympathizer extremists of aggression are just demonstrating their free speech rights.

If Trudeau had tried his antics of going for the truckers but not for Khalistan extremists in the Indian Parliament, as some hypothetical Indian party leader, he would not have been paraded out. He would have been booted out. Can he understand this?

Many things for the Canadian PM are breaking down geopolitically, on terrorism and beyond. This even included his airplane in India, ironically. But to to be fair to Trudeau, Canada’s problems started decades before. It even started at least as far back in his father’s prime ministerial term.

However, India God(s) bless, it may be the only one with its straight-forward and credible, powerful leadership willing to stand up and truly help straighten Trudeau and his government out. And importantly, help him come to possible recognition of his underlining faults in his and other Canadians psycho-cultural mind-sets that allow for a dysfunctional level of permissiveness on serious matters like security.

Maybe, Dr. Jordan Peterson , world top psychologist should mediate to sort it all out. But maybe not as Peterson simply calls Trudeau a narcissist and perennial liar. And Peterson in a long YouTube interview , conducted by the UK Telegraph had some stern words about Canadian society and too many essentially voting in such a Canadian prime minister. (That may be changing with less than a third of Canadians wanting to vote for Trudeau.) I would add consistent enough to Peterson’s views that there has been an overall social and economic, extreme woke, La-La land too often encouraged for decades for too many Canadians to believe in, by their leaders. One that also generated the province of Canada, Ontario having the highest debt per capita in the world for a region by having so many revenue unsupported programmes.

And Ottawa is not far behind at the country level, all while India has one of the lowest debt levels and a booming economy. Couple this to Canadian productivity having been sinking for many years. But in the Land of La La, Justin Trudeau can be “king” and disciplined, wise Narendra Modi, political Darth Vader?

However, Trudeau and friends cut / it, Prime Minister Modi, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, and New Delhi, overall are likely getting sick and tired of all the geopolitical baby sitting they have to do to teach the A, B, C s of anti-terrorism and what is an over-permissiveness showing of culture-based degeneracy in Canada, including on fighting Khalistan drug gangsterism.

Be surely, this was not how the Indian PM was brought up to believe in tolerating. Or that his sense of ethics will allow shallow character, especially when confronting any leader about the security of his people. Justin Trudeau has admitted, indeed he was essentially born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I am worried furthermore it has gone to his head and to a degree he may be playing out some identity crises but on the dangerous global stage.

He should in a more mature way put his ego aside and that he can never be as great as his internationally acclaimed father. One whose even domestic achievements of firmly putting down Quebec separatism deserve praise. And his strong hand against the violent kind saved Canada from fragmentation. Son of a Pierre Trudeau can do the same on Khalistan. The current Canadian PM is not his father but he could learn from some of the wisdom of elders such as Mr Modi, no swami but a great leader.

Peter Dash is a teacher.