Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, MK Stalin’s son, Udhayanidhi Stalin has provided a handle to the BJP by making a reference to Sanatan Dharam, which he said should be eradicated, in pursuance of social justice. The remark which was perhaps made in context of State politics, has been evidently given a national twist, with the BJP maintaining that it was “genocidal’’ in essence. Udhayanidhi has since clarified by claiming that the BJP was misinterpreting his words, in order to further its own political agenda. He said that tall leaders such as Periyar, the Father of the Dravidian movement had rebelled against the Brahminical dominance and gender and caste equality in Tamil Nadu. Even Babasaheb Ambedkar’s views on Sanatan Dharam reflected the issue of inequality. Udhayanidhi said that at no stage had he advocated violence against anyone at any time. However, the BJP has seen in these observations, an opportunity to flog its adversaries. The Saffron Brigade has always maintained that Sanatan Dharam was the reason why India has survived centuries of foreign rule, and it was the nucleus of Hindutva. The debate at a time when India is about to host the G-20 conclave in New Delhi is uncalled for. It is a time to spell out the country’s vision for the world as also to keep the focus on developmental and economic issues rather than raking up matters that can cause a controversy over the faith and religious beliefs of the citizens. Yes, Sanatan Dharam has dominated Hinduism, which nevertheless has many other devotees and followers, who prefer other methods of aligning with their faith. At various periods of our history, Sanatan Dharam was seen as regressive and thus reforms were suggested and implemented by some of our national luminaries. The Arya Samaj movement founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati, which opposed idol worship was highly successful, and played a major part in the country’s freedom struggle.
In Punjab and what is now Haryana as also in several parts of the country, the Arya Samaj proved to be a trend setter and Swami Dayanand’s Satyaarth Prakash (The Light of Truth) is amongst the best-selling books. Even in the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, the predecessor of the BJP, there were top Arya Samaj leaders who played a decisive and important role in helping to further the party’s interests. However, Sanatan Dharam has been used by the Saffron Brigade to further its political agenda. It does not necessarily mean that all the followers of Sanatan Dharam are also the supporters of the BJP, since Hinduism provides freedom and liberty to its followers to practice their own versions in whatever way, they deem proper. Hindusim unlike many other faiths, is not a one-book religion and therefore to suggest only one formula of observance is neither possible nor can it ever work out. In India, religion has very pronounced cultural dimensions. Ideally speaking religion and politics should have a definite and well-defined separation. Since it is difficult to do that, it should be allowed to spread under its own strength. Sanatan Dharam does not need crutches of any kind and those who follow it, are capable of understanding its essence and real message. Sanatan Dharam is not merely about rituals which seem to be how it is being interpreted in these troubled times. It is much more and to understand it, scholars have been continuously making efforts over the centuries. Sanatan Dharam does not imply that those who practice other faiths should not follow their beliefs. It encourages people to understand every religion and appreciate the strengths of Hinduism after that. In Tamil Nadu, ever since Independence, there has been a very strong Dravidian movement which opposed the domination by upper castes. Therefore, the two Dravidian parties, the DMK and the AIADMK maybe on different sides but they have certain similarities regarding their opinion on upper castes. For them, rightly or wrongly, social equality is non-existent solely because upper castes, Brahmins in particular, have never allowed others to come up and flourish. It can be argued that the caste system in Hinduism is an impediment for many of its followers. Despite these strong views, Hinduism has survived and has contributed to the evolution of our society as well as to science and other disciplines such as statecraft and economy. On Saturday, ISRO launched its first Solar mission, close on the heels of the successful landing of the Vikram Lander of the Chandrayaan Mission on the Moon’s surface. The emphasis should be on Science and scientific temperament that is paramount to take the country forward, and to enable us to compete with the best in the world. Religion is something very personal and important but skills and education are probably equally significant requirements. Political partis should stop playing divisive politics and this is applicable to both the BJP and the Congress as also to the Dravidian parties and many others. India is on the threshold of greater achievements, which are only possible if there is an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the country. Politics as opposed to Science is not the only manner in which there can be forward movement. A better balance of our value system, tolerance, beliefs and scientific temperament are also very essential components of our progress.
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