I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost
A society driven by the desire to be seen and heard has created a generation of imitators with FOMO culture, desperately bellowing to achieve what others have already accomplished. No doubt, where the pursuit of fame, credit and recognition often overtakes authenticity and self-discovery, it is rare to find individuals who dare to tread on the path less traveled.
With social media usage at peak, acceptance and popularity are measured in likes and shares, and it is very easy to be tempted into the seductive trap of pursuing peripheral and loud validation of your being rather than the inner peace and enlightenment. At times I find myself besieged with messages and inquiries from aspiring artists and writers, persuasive to disclose the secret to getting their works published in prestigious magazines, journals and newspapers. What is the purpose of our writing? What is the purpose of our painting? What sets us blaze? Is this a genuine yearning for self-expression? Are we truly motivated by the desire to enthuse and enlighten delivering an evocative message, or are we simply seeking endorsement and recognition; basking in the glory of name and fame?
The Greek philosopher, Socrates, once said, “An unexamined life is not worth living.” Yet, we often neglect to explore our own potential, instead, chasing the shadows of success cast by others without prior introspection and meditative contemplation.
As an editor of a magazine, I frequently witness the rat race of individuals to become an artist, author, poet, painter, or columnist, moreover, it has become a frantic chase, with many seeking to be featured on the cover of magazines or in newspapers and journals without ever taking the time to cultivate their craft well and review it beforehand throwing emails and messages in whatsapp/Facebook messenger’ inboxes. The ancient Greek aphorism, “Know thyself,” echoes through the ages, retelling us to look within for our true calling. Most often we ignore this wisdom call, blinded by the glamor of fame and recognition. But why?
Rather than blindly following the paths of success carved by others, it is imperative that we stop, rest and board on an inner journey, delving into the depths of our being to discover our true calling. Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche announced it loud and clear that he who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
Renowned Austrian psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl in his work ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ emphasizes upon the significance of discovering self and the worth of one’s life journey. The clamor for instantaneous recognition and meteoric success often blinds us to the beauty and worth of the journey itself. We are so consumed by the destination that we forsake the joy of self-discovery that lies hidden within the twists and turns of our unique paths. We must be brave enough to listen to the whispers of our souls, as they guide us towards our true passions and interests. Why are we in a hurry? Go through the process of learning and unlearning.
I recall a poignant encounter with an aspiring author who bombarded me with requests to review his novel and get published in an esteemed newspaper. Upon finally relenting, I was met with a manuscript riddled with errors, an evidence to the importance of quality over haste. Few follow-ups by the author if I read and wrote or not, and finally I had to tell the worth of his work to him though performed the ritual with heavy heart. The German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, once said, “You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” But how can we birth creativity when we neglect to explore our own depths? How can we comprise with quality for the sake of few bucks? I could have done the job writing a fantabulous review of the book but conscience didn’t allow for the same.
The pursuit of excellence requires us to plunge into the sublime sea of self-discovery, to dive deep and swim far. It is only through this odyssey that we can uncover our true skills and interests, standing tall with self-esteem and positive power. As the French philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre, said, “Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is forced to choose.” We should choose to explore, to create, and to contribute meaningfully, rather than merely seeking to impress. Art and writing are sacred tools that can be wielded to transform society, to challenge conventions, and to provoke thought, delivering messages of substance and significance, rather than succumbing to the allure of fleeting fame.
In this precarious journey carved by ink and hues, it is essential to remember that quality should never be compromised. We must resist the urge to hastily send off unfinished works, filled with errors and imperfections. Just as a painter meticulously crafts each brushstroke, we too must invest our time and energy into refining our words, ensuring that they resonate with depth and clarity. The act of writing should be a testament to our dedication, our commitment to our craft, and our unwavering pursuit of excellence.
The world is lavishly blessed with run-of-the-mill works of art and poetry, short stories and fiction, hastily embraced by a society driven by convenience and instant gratification. The passageway to distinction may be uptight with obstacles, but it is also adorned with the potential for magnitude and the possibility of creating something truly extraordinary. We just need to forgo desiring hollow recognition and instead, immerse ourselves in the depths of our own creativity.
Once an artist pled me, with fervor and courage, as if in a state of self-delusion,, to enshrine his chef-d’oeuvre as the cover of my magazine. Alternatively, he proposed his own headshot, a scrawny mask, as if the cruel hand of fate had ravaged the very essence of him. Yet, I, the custodian of aesthetic gates of literary endeavour, was unmoved by his pleas. If I make a true confession, for his artwork, it was jarring cacophony of colors and shapes, an affront to the senses, a mockery of creativity. And his face, a topographic map of malnutrition and despair, seemed a cruel travesty of the human form. Though my heart recoils at the thought of diminishing another’s spirit, I could not in good conscience consecrate such mediocrity and rejected his appeal. For in the realm of art, as in the journey of self-discovery, and to become an authentic artist, one must first confront the gulf of one’s own inadequacies before aspiring to greatness.
With rigorous self-reflection and true mastery, we should create authentic, impactful, and profoundly beautiful works, something worthy of the world’s gaze and our souls, not just for the sake of dumping our art and creative pieces to gain fame or to scrapheap. For it is in the depths of our own uniqueness that lays the power and courage to blaze our own trail creating something extraordinary and to leave an ineradicable mark on the world. As the philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
Thus, we need to confront the whispers of our heart, discover our hidden treasures, recognize our innate talents, and listen our unique voice embracing our individuality rather than mimicking others. We should not become carbon copies of someone else’s dream and be like a master artisan filling our lives’ silhouette with reflection of our unbridled spirit on it, for in the depths of our own being lies the hidden treasure, waiting to be unearthed – the treasure of our true self, to be unfurled petal by petal like a lotus blooming in the depths of a tranquil lake.

Dr. Shalini Yadav is a Professor, Writer and Columnist hailing from Jaipur, Rajasthan.