Even though the Lok Sabha elections are 22 months away, the BJP has apparently started its preparations with total seriousness. In fact, the Prime Minister has been the driving force behind the Central leadership’s latest exercise to take stock of the situation and for initiating remedial steps wherever they are needed. The preparation of the 2024 Parliamentary elections entails that the party must perform above its capacity in the forthcoming Assembly polls of Gujarat and Himachal which are slated later this year, and also next year’s electoral confrontations that would be taking place in Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh, Nagaland besides some other states. By sharing his vision with the Chief Ministers and apprising himself of their assessment as also their achievements, the Prime Minister has sent a strong signal that there would be no tolerance for failure of any kind. It is very clear that by overseeing the emerging situation, Narendra Modi has also demonstrated his exalted status which has made him the supreme leader of the country in the current times. His presence and combative approach to electoral battles in particular signifies the deep belief he has in the BJP’s organization and its cadres to deliver even in most difficult situations. The CMs and deputy CMs of the BJP ruled States have been summoned to go through their report cards on what has been done and what needs to be done. On its part, the RSS has also got into the election mode and has shuffled some of its functionaries to place them in key positions in various states, ahead of elections. The Gujarat outcome may appear to be a foregone conclusion but both Modi and Amit Shah are not prepared to take any chances and would personally involve themselves in the campaign. The Himachal battle would be tough but with both J.P. Nadda and Anurag Thakur being in pivotal positions at the Centre, it would be extremely difficult to dislodge the BJP government in the State though the Congress at present seems to be having the upper hand. Karnataka is a cause of immense worry for the central leaders as many in the RSS are of the opinion that the Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai’s performance has not been up to the par and he was put in the saddle merely because he has the backing of former CM, B.S Yeddyurappa. Incidentally, Yeddyurappa recently offered to retire form active politics if his son was granted a prominent position and made his political successor in the future. The suggestion is against the principles of dynastic politics which the party observes and if the Prime Minister decides to replace Bommai, it maybe with another influential Lingayat leader such as Jagdish Shettar or someone from the backward or Dalit communities. There has been speculation that after the monsoon session, some major changes in the Union Council of Ministers may also take place and some of the sitting CMs or those who aspire to be in the future, could be inducted in the Cabinet to present fresh faces in various states. The conjectures are mostly about Madhya Pradesh CM, Shivraj Singh Chauhan and former Rajasthan CM, Vasundhara Raje. The Central leadership’s initiative in inviting the CMs and the deputy CMs to Delhi is also to ascertain from them, how the BJP should take political leverage after electing the first Tribal woman as the President of the Nation. Also, in Rajasthan, the extent of impact the elevation of Jagdeep Dhankhar as Vice President would have on the State politics in particular. In short, while the Opposition is appearing to be a divided House, the BJP has got into the act of consolidating its position in various states so that it can return to power at the Centre for a third consecutive term in 2024.
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