They know, yet they have no platform to showcase what they know. When we speak about change, it is not just about changes in the Tier-1 cities of our country. It is not just about industries and facto ries. It is not just about for eign relations, exports and imports. Change is a must, and change for the better ment must reach even in the remotest corners of our nation. India’s education system is super diverse and has a ton of potential, but it’s got its fair share of problems, especially in the more re mote areas. Even though there’s a lot of talent in these places, students can really struggle because they don’t have the same opportuni ties, resources, or support as children in bigger cities. It’s important to help these kids reach their full poten tial, and setting up strong training institutions and good career counseling ser vices in remote areas is a big part of that. Finding the Potential: Tal ent Without Opportunity Remote areas in India are full of students who are smart and capable, but they often get left behind because they don’t have the same op portunities as others. These students, many of whom are the first in their families to go to school, are super resilient and creative. But without enough resources and guidance, their dreams just can’t happen. Building training centers that fit the needs of these communities can give these students the skills and knowledge they need to do well in all kinds of fields. These centers can help bridge the gap between tal ent and success, making sure that no kid gets left behind just because they live in a remote area. These places can make a differ ence in the lives of these stu dents, giving them a chance to shine and achieve their goals.

The Role of SchoolS: Initiating change

Schools in the 3-tier cities, small towns, and remote areas need to step up and help their students explore the world of career options out there. One effective way is to invite experts and career counsellors to visit and talk with the students. These pros can give the stu dents the lowdown on dif ferent jobs, what skills are needed for each one, and how to get started. Regular workshops, seminars, and hangout sessions can make career planning less scary and more accessible for ev eryone. For instance, a career counsellor can help students know all kinds of different paths apart from engineer ing and medicine, in the fields of art, sports, digital marketing, environmen tal science, hospitality, and more. They can give students a better understanding of the job options out there, even in fields they might not know much about yet. A lot of times, students and their parents in more rural areas only hear about traditional careers like engineering and medicine. But these days, there are so many different ways to make a good living! There are jobs in Literature, Information Technology, Design, Entrepreneurship, Media, and Social Sciences. A good career counsellor can open students’ eyes to all these possibilities and help them find a career that suits them.

Motivation and Mentorship

Motivation is huge when it comes to doing well in school, especially for kids in remote areas who might not have the same oppor tunities as others. Career counselling sessions can be a real game-changer for these students, helping them figure out what they want to do with their lives and giving them a sense of direction. Mentors can also be a big help in this area. They can advice, support, and encourage students as they sail through the tricky world of careers and aca demic choices. Having mentors and coun sellors around can also help with self-doubt and low self-esteem, which can be real issues for some kids in remote areas. Knowing that someone believes in you and is rooting for you to succeed can be super motivating and help you work harder and aim higher. It’s like having a built-in cheerleader on your side, always there to remind you that you can do it!

BuildiIng a Supportive ecosystem

Creating an ecosystem that helps people grow their careers in remote areas is about more than just build ing training centers and set ting up counselling sessions. It’s a team effort that brings together governments, schools, non-profits, and businesses. Working togeth er is key, and public-private partnerships can make all the difference in funding and keeping these projects going strong. Companies can pitch in by sponsoring training programs or offering schol arships for students who deserve a shot at a better fu ture. Non-profits can share their expertise and resourc es for career counselling. Lo cal governments can help by making sure these programs reach even the most remote and underserved places. It’s important for every one to do their part because when we all work together, we can create real change. It’s not just about doing good for the sake of it, but also about building a stronger, more vibrant community. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work, making sure that every person, no matter where they live, has the chance to build a career they’re proud of.

The Way forward: Policy and Implementation

To bring this vision of bal anced development to life, we need a solid plan at the policy level. The govern ment could consider mak ing it a priority in their educational reform agenda to build up training institu tions in remote areas. They could also create policies that make it more attractive for professionals to work there, maybe offering finan cial incentives, better career growth opportunities, or other perks. Conclusion: The need for training and career counsel ling in remote parts of India is seriously important. If we invest in these programs, we can help students in those areas reach their full potential. This will not only help those individuals suc ceed but also contribute to a more fair and inclusive society where everyone has a chance to achieve their goals, no matter where they live. In other words, invest ing in remote areas means investing in the future of the entire country.

(Mousumi Kalita Sachdeva is the CEO of Griffin Publication and Co-Founder of Skillreck oner – a training and counsel ling platform)