Who is Joe Biden? Let’s evaluate his last eight years in the US Congress. Biden has always taken a radical Left stand against centrist forces. Recently, he spoke about his Muslim agenda and said, “In Kashmir, the Indian government should take all necessary steps to restore rights for all the people of Kashmir. Restrictions on dissent, such as preventing peaceful protests or shutting or slowing down the Internet, weaken democracy.” This agenda of Biden is dictated from core leftist and Islamist ideologies. He supported Bosnian war against Serbian forces based on his Muslim agenda. In the 2008 presidential bid, he commented on Indians and said that we cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless we had a slight Indian accent and he was not even joking. We have to delve deep into Biden’s entire career to understand his mindset.

Starting from a humble net worth of around $400,000 (as of 1999), Biden reported an income of $15.6 million in 2017-18. In 2019, he reported an income of $8 million owing to different speaking engagements. By 2019, he famously reported that his middle-class status was a ‘state of mind’. Everyone would love to have this state of mind. Coming to ‘state of mind’, Obama had to restrict him from openly expressing his impromptu ‘state of mind’ comments. He was repeatedly advised by the Obama administration to speak from prepared statements. In 1999, he openly lent support to NATO bombing of Kosovo to give a separate homeland for Bosnian Muslims and the breaking of Yugoslavia. In 2016, Biden paid a state visit to Serbia where he met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and expressed his condolences for the civilian victims of the bombing campaigns. Aleksander must have been surprised over his U-turn!

 He was a big supporter of the 2001 war on Afghanistan and famously said, “Whatever it takes, we should do it.” Millions of innocents have died since then including more than 10,000 American servicemen. Most of them didn’t even know who they were fighting against, as Biden also favoured talks with Taliban. In 2002, he supported the military campaign against Saddam Hussein and favoured trifurcation of Iraq into three loosely held federations of countries on the lines of Kurds, Sunnis and Shias. His pretext of war was weapons of mass destruction which were actually not found. More significantly, as chair of the committee, he assembled a series of witnesses to testify in favour of the authorisation of war on Iraq. They gave testimony grossly misrepresenting the intent, history and status of Saddam and his Sunni government, which was an openly avowed enemy of Al-Qaeda, and touting Iraq’s fictional possession of weapons of mass destruction. This fake testimony made American’s position weak in the eyes of the world. He eventually became a critic of the war and viewed his vote and role as a “mistake”. Later he vehemently opposed the troop surge in Iraq which was meant to protect American troops and Iraq’s parliament opposed trifurcation of Iraq. Another U-turn. Whose interests was he serving?

 In 2005, he met Muammar Gaddafi to help release a Libyan activist. Later he supported the killing of Gaddafi and took another U-turn! In 2008, he opposed the speech of President George W. Bush in Israeli Knesset, and later in 2015 he vehemently opposed Benyamin Netanyahu’s speech in US Congress. Under whose direction was he working? Later in a private gathering, he remarked that he supported ‘One Israel’ — another U-turn. In the 2007 campaign, he famously remarked on Obama, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy — I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” An openly racist comment against the coloured community. Later, he accepted to be the Vice President candidate of Obama — again a U-turn!

In 2014, he famously announced that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and UAE were pouring billions of dollars in Syria to support the US war against terror in Syria and also toppling the Assad regime. Most of that money went to jihadists who controlled parts of Syria. In 2015, he famously went to Ukraine in aid of Ukrainians. Later, it was found out that he held almost $1 billion in aid from Ukraine as part of his official policy. This was a U-turn too.

Among international politicians he is supported by Malaysian dictator Mahathir Mohammed. Among the PACs (Political Action Committees), he is supported by ASPIRE PAC, an openly anti-India and also anti-common sense PAC. Even Sri Preston Kulkarni, a Ro Khanna-like candidate, is supported by this PAC. The chairwoman of this PAC, Judy Chu openly supported Kashmiri terrorists against India. Pritesh Gandhi from TX-10 is also a candidate of this anti Hindu and antiNarendra Modi PAC. CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) has also supported Biden openly. In 2016, Premala Jayapal was also supported by this PAC. Emgage, a self-declared largest Muslim PAC, endorsed him for his presidential bid. This PAC supports many critical anti-Israel and proPalestinian issues including support for radical Islamic terrorists in Kashmir.

In the primary, Sanders received the endorsements of numerous Muslim elected officials and groups, including Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, the first two Muslim women elected to Congress. All those endorsements have been passed over to Biden, who has made another U-turn on Israel. Biden has a plan for Muslim communities in the US but no plan for Christians, Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, Native Americans and American Hindus. Can any non-Muslim community in the US feel safe with his candidature? I leave it up to the readers to decide.

Biden’s career is marked with bad decisions which affect the global community. His current health may also be a question that needs to be answered. History of his career shows that he himself has repented his decisions later on. At this crucial juncture of global politics, can Americans trust Biden’s candidature?

The author is an American political commentator, analyst and author of the book ‘Sattology’.