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  • Analysing philosophical perspectives through mathematics principles

Analysing philosophical perspectives through mathematics principles

Indian knowledge tradition, if we look carefully at the various components, plays an important role in addition to expression, and displays a pseudo-form together with the form. Philosophers have termed it as Vagjal, ending it and merging it only in the element, and the name of identification with the element. Numbers are the best means […]

Analysing philosophical perspectives through mathematics principles

Indian knowledge tradition, if we look carefully at the various components, plays an important role in addition to expression, and displays a pseudo-form together with the form. Philosophers have termed it as Vagjal, ending it and merging it only in the element, and the name of identification with the element. Numbers are the best means of expression, and many spiritual problems can be solved by understanding the result obtained from operations on numbers in the form of elements.

The philosophical side of mathematics also gives an opportunity to develop a similar vision. Mathematical operations can be helpful in building bridges, buildings, architecture— from the point of view of process, this is the external view of mathematics. Apart from this, the processes of mathematics also provides an insight, which is very important for a mathematician to understand. In small operations, many such important topics are contained in a secret form, which also explains the relationship of life and the theory of cosmic bodies. Due to the utilitarian application of mathematics, we have gone so far from the philosophical dimension of mathematics, that it is too much effort to return to that dimension, and it is not enough to arrive at it spontaneously or in a short time.

To understand the philosophical nature of mathematics, we ought to have a broad view. Considering a circle or a triangle as just a figure, we have to rise above the calculation of its area, perimeter, base, perpendicular, radius, etc., and understand the expression which can express these shapes in a broad sense. For example, a triangle is not a mere figure, but a concept that shows the way from multiple to unity and again from unity to multiplicity, if the methods of study are those moving from the base of the triangle to the vertex or vice versa.

If made, then the study material and teaching method in the student’s mind can be planted with the practical seed of unity in plurality, and vice versa. Similarly circle is not only a figure of geometry but a means of expression of that concept, which shows the circular motion of this entire creation and the life of a person. In geography, for instance rock movement — contraction after continental displacement — Himalaya Mountains are in the place of Tethys Sea, and high mountains of Aravalli today turn into plains, in future might turn into trench or rift valley. From this point of view it is very important to analyze mathematical figures or operations.

When the vision of mathematics is so broad, then the formulas which will be applied on these concepts will open the mystery of the cosmic principles. A person who does not believe in God or the Soul can understand the nature of a force/law through mathematics. Mathematics talks about every concept that we spiritually experience in our daily lives. Our experience is that the world is changeable, but the direction of change tells us the circle, and at the root of this change is the ever-changing power, which remains unchanged even at the root of every change, is the ratio of circumference and diameter. , which we know as the greek alphabet pie.

Our ancient sages have used many experiments to describe the manifestation of the Rita (Universal reality) hidden in the root of every change. Similarly, no matter how many sides of the triangle keep changing, the change of these sides does not make any difference in the sum of the interior angles of the triangle, it remains 180° always. These examples given through triangles and circles are applied to every operation of mathematics, and gradually developing this mathematical vision leads man to the never-changing element inherent in change, which is closer to the concept of Rita.

Truth is relative, Rita is universal. The constants/coefficients found not only in mathematics but also in physics confirm broad concepts. There is a need to develop this type of vision at the level of higher education and research, and to develop a teaching method that increases thinking ability at the level of primary classes. This vision can be able to make a person who does not believe in God and the Soul realize the power by which all are bound, which remains unchanged even after being at the root of change, the regulator of many truths which is Rita.

Writer is the Assistant Professor, Department of Sanskrit, Tilkamanjhi Bhagalpur University.

