The second Test encounter between India and Bangladesh got underway at Green Park Stadium in Kanpur on Friday but was suspended due to inadequate light and rain. Amidst that game, some disturbing footage has emerged online about Bangladeshi super fan Tiger Robi. According to preliminary reports, Tiger Robi had been admitted to a hospital after being assaulted by an spectator who had reportedly hit him on the back and lower abdomen while he was watching the game. Others criticized Tiger Robi for allegedly chanting anti-India slogans. Cricket analyst @JohnyBravo183 said that it was due to this that he was beaten.
However, the police officials dismissed the allegations stating that dehydration occurred because of an attack. The authorities insist that he fell ill on Friday morning and admitted to the hospital. The local police and other police and medical staff dismissed the allegations made by Tiger Robi that he was attacked by the locals at the venue. He has travelled with the Bangladesh Cricket team in India since the Test match there at Chennai.
One of the Bangladeshis, Tiger Robi is only known through that nickname; as a fan from Dhaka is widely known for painting himself as a tiger and waving the Bangladesh flag. He shared his experience with a news portal where he said, “A section of the crowd has been abusing me since the morning. Once lunch was called, I just started shouting the names of Najmul Shanto and Mominul Haque. A few of them started shoving me around, tried to tear my mascot (Tiger) and my flag, and when I resisted, they started hitting me.
A police official clarified, “He collapsed due to dehydration. The police and the medical staff rushed to him immediately, took him to the hospital, and he is now on his way to recovery. The speculation about the assault is all wrong. He was not hit by any fan.”
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