Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Uttarakhand’s Haldwani to inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of 23 projects worth over Rs 17,500 crore on 30 December, informed the Prime Minister’s Office on Tuesday. As per the release, among the 23 projects, the foundation stone will be laid for 17 projects worth over Rs 14,100 crore. These projects cover a wide array of sectors, areas across the state including irrigation, road, housing, health infrastructure, industry, sanitation, drinking water supply among others. The programme will witness the inauguration of 6 projects including multiple road widening projects, a hydropower project in Pithoragarh and projects to improve the sewerage network in Nainital. The cumulative cost of the projects being inaugurated is over Rs 3400 crore, the PMO said.
The PM will lay the foundation stone of the Lakhwar Multipurpose Project to be built at the cost of about Rs 5750 crore. This project was first conceived in 1976 and was lying pending for many years. This project of national importance, will enable irrigation of about 34,000 hectares of additional land, produce 300 MW hydropower and supply drinking water to the six states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. In line with the Prime Minister’s vision to improve connectivity at far-flung places of the country, inauguration and foundation stone laying of multiple road sector projects worth about Rs 8700 crore would be done. The projects whose foundation stones would be laid include four laning of 85-kilometre Moradabad-Kashipur Road to be built at a cost of over Rs 4000 crore; two laning of 22 Kilometre stretch of Gadarpur-Dineshpur-Madkota-Haldwani road (SH-5) and 18 kilometre stretch of Kiccha to Pantnagar (SH-44), among other projects.