Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday interacted with doctors from across the country about their experiences and also to take their suggestions on fighting Covid-19, vaccination exercise and also black fungus. He spoke to doctors from various regions, including the Northeast, and Jammu and Kashmir, through video-conferencing.
The Prime Minister used the occasion to thank the medical fraternity and the paramedical staff for their exemplary fight against the deadly pandemic which has infected 2.49 crore and killed at least 274,390.
“The Prime Minister thanked the entire medical fraternity & the paramedical staff for the exemplary fight displayed by them against the extraordinary circumstances of the second wave of Covid, adding that the entire country is indebted to them,” the PMO statement read.
PM Modi also noted that the country is fighting the disease at a swift pace, including extra efforts made by MBBS students, Asha and Anganwadi workers. “He noted that be it testing, supply of medicines or set-up of new infrastructure in record time, all these are being done at a fast pace. Several challenges of oxygen production and supply are being overcome. The steps taken by the country to augment human resources, like including MBBS students in Covid treatment, and ASHAs and Anganwadi workers in rural areas, provided extra support to the health system,” the statement said, adding: “Prime Minister underlined that the strategy of starting vaccination programmes with front line warriors has paid rich dividends in the second wave.”
The meeting between PM Modi and a group of doctors took place on the day the country saw a dip in Covid-19 cases, with daily infections going below the 3 lakh mark for the first time in almost 26 days.