Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope on Wednesday said that arrangements for 1,550 MT of oxygen have been made in the state as 15 per cent of currently active cases may need oxygen.
“As per today’s demand we have sufficient Remdisiver, the only challenge is that of distribution. So I would appeal to doctors to use oxygen and Remdisiver properly,” he said, adding: “We’re anticipating that 15 per cent of currently active cases may need oxygen. As of now, we have arrangements of 1550 MT of oxygen in the state. We’re trying to distribute the same through Food and Drugs Administration (FDA). We’re also expecting the Oxygen which Government of India will import.”
Tope said that as per today’s demand the state has sufficient Remdisiver. He further added that Maharashtra is currently producing 1250 liquid oxygen this oxygen will be used for 100 per cent for medical usage only.
“Even if PM Modi has said that lockdown is the last option but the increasing numbers in the state are putting pressure on healthcare. So we all cabinet ministers are in the view of lockdown in the state for break the change. It is important to impose a lockdown and Chief Minister will make an announcement today or tomorrow. We don’t want to lock inter-district movements but it will be strict,” he added.
In his address to the nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday urged the state governments to use lockdowns only as the last option and focus only on creating on micro-containment zones.