Manoj Jarange-Patil, a prominent quota activist, commenced the second phase of his state-wide tour on Wednesday, intensifying his campaign for reservation for the Maratha community. Starting the journey with a rally in Vashi village, Dharashiv, the tour is scheduled to conclude in Shegaon, Ahmednagar district, on December 24, a self-imposed deadline for the government to issue Kunbi caste certificates to all Marathas.
Insisting that the government must announce the reservation by December 24, Jarange-Patil declared, “We will not sit quietly until the reservation is granted to us.” Covering Konkan and Western Maharashtra during this leg of the tour, Jarange-Patil aims to mobilize the Maratha community and foster confidence in their struggle for reservation.
This tour marks the second phase of Jarange-Patil’s statewide campaign, with the first phase having covered Marathwada and Western Maharashtra in October. A close aide of Jarange-Patil outlined the three-phase plan for the tour, emphasizing the commitment to the cause.
Throughout the tour, Jarange-Patil plans to engage with Maratha community members, conducting dialogues to bolster their confidence and reinforce the conviction that the community will secure reservation. The activist is adamant that the agitation will persist until the government fulfills their demand for quota.
Earlier, on November 2, Jarange-Patil concluded a nine-day fast after discussions with a government delegation. The government had committed to providing Kunbi caste certificates to all Marathas by December 24, a timeline that the activist insists must be met, despite the government seeking an extension until January 2 during their talks. Jarange-Patil remains resolute in his determination to secure Maratha reservation and pledges to sustain the agitation until the community’s demands are met.