As September draws to a close, the city of Mumbai has already experienced a notable surplus of rainfall, surpassing its monthly average of 383.5 mm by recording 395.9 mm thus far. With a few days remaining in the month, Mumbai residents can expect to see continued rain, although its nature may vary.
In the immediate forecast, both today and tomorrow are likely to bring mostly moderate rainfall, with isolated heavy downpours occurring in certain pockets. Following this, on September 29 and 30, the rainfall is expected to taper down to lighter levels.
This prolonged period of rainfall is attributed to an east-west trough that extends from North Coastal Andhra Pradesh through Telangana and up to the Konkan region. The proximity of this trough to Mumbai serves as a driving force for the precipitation. Additionally, a Cyclonic Circulation is poised to develop within the trough, further enhancing the rain prospects.
As a result, the city should brace itself for continued rainfall until the close of the month, with the intensity of precipitation likely to vary throughout this period.