Pavel Durov, billionaire co-founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested on Saturday evening at Bourget airport near Paris, as per reports. Durov was apprehended while aboard his private jet, which had arrived from Azerbaijan, around 8 p.m. local time.

The arrest follows an outstanding warrant in France. Durov, who is originally from Russia but resides in Dubai and holds dual citizenship of France and the United Arab Emirates, has an estimated fortune of $15.5 billion, according to Forbes.

Durov and his brother Nikolai launched Telegram in 2013. The platform, known for its end-to-end encrypted messaging and “channels” for broadcasting information, boasts around 900 million active users. The app has gained popularity for its privacy features and has been used by various political and social movements globally.

In 2014, Durov left Russia after refusing to comply with government demands to shut down opposition communities on his previous social media platform, VKontakte, which he sold. Since then, he has been living in Dubai, where Telegram is based.

Following his arrest, the Russian embassy in France is actively working to understand and address the situation. While Telegram has not yet responded to the arrest, the French authorities have not disclosed further details about the charges or the nature of the warrant.

Durov’s arrest has drawn significant attention due to his high profile and the global reach of Telegram, which continues to be a major player in the world of digital communication.