The Indian mission in Malaysia announced on Wednesday that authorities are continuing their search for an Indian woman who fell into a sinkhole last Friday, initiating a large-scale search and rescue effort. The high commission stated that local authorities are systematically exploring new potential routes and areas to locate the missing Indian national, Vijaya Lakshmi Gali, who fell into a sinkhole in the Malaysian capital on August 23.

According to Malay Mail, the operation remains concentrated at the main site of the incident on Jalan Masjid India. Police have cordoned off the area with yellow tape, resulting in the closure of nearby businesses to ensure public safety. Various techniques, including tracker dogs and the ‘jetting’ method, have been employed in the search for Vijaya Lakshmi.

The Indian High Commission reported that local authorities, along with the police, fire and rescue department, Indah Water Consortium, KL Federal Territories agencies, and Civil Defence Forces, supported by specialized scientific teams equipped with advanced technology, are now involved in the search.

“After flushing through portions of drain system, search is being augmented with specialised techniques including high-pressure water jets to remove obstacles, remote cameras and ground penetrating radars to map inaccessible areas,” it wrote. The Indian mission stated that it remains in close communication with the agencies involved in the search efforts, which have now entered their fifth day. The mission also mentioned that its officers are in contact with the family members to provide ongoing support.