Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, is currently under investigation by French authorities for “serious acts of violence” allegedly committed against his seven-year-old son. This probe adds to the ongoing scrutiny Durov faces regarding his failure to manage illegal content on the Telegram app. The investigation into these allegations reportedly commenced recently.

Born in 2017, Durov’s son is reported to be living in Switzerland. If Durov is found guilty, he could face significant legal repercussions.

Legal Challenges and Restrictions

Pavel Durov, aged 39, is also contending with several charges related to the failure to control extremist and illegal content on Telegram. Following a hearing with investigating magistrates in Paris, he was granted conditional release with a bail set at five million euros.

The charges against him include alleged involvement in an organized group engaged in illicit activities, such as “complicity in the administration of an online platform for illegal transactions.” Authorities have accused Durov of not complying with document requests and of enabling the dissemination of child pornography, drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering.

Durov’s Response

Durov has denied these allegations, with his lawyer describing them as “absurd.” The legal representative emphasized that “Telegram complies in all respects with European rules concerning digital technology.”