On Wednesday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif announced plans to introduce a comprehensive five-year economic program aimed at alleviating Pakistan’s economic crisis. Speaking on the 78th Independence Day, Sharif emphasized the need for a fresh start with renewed vigor to address the nation’s current challenges. He urged Pakistanis to reflect on past mistakes and expressed optimism about imminent reductions in electricity prices, as reported by Radio Pakistan.


Commitment to Economic and Social Reforms

Sharif vowed to tackle inflation and lower electricity costs as crucial steps for revitalizing agriculture, industry, and boosting exports. He encouraged the youth to concentrate on education and skill development, warning against the negative influences of digital misinformation. In his Independence Day address, Sharif also paid tribute to the sacrifices made by Pakistan’s founders and reiterated the country’s support for Jammu and Kashmir’s right to self-determination.


Presidential Appeals for Unity and Recognition

President Asif Ali Zardari, in his Independence Day message, called for national unity, rule of law, and economic stability. He emphasized the importance of upholding democratic institutions and reaffirmed Pakistan’s support for the rights of Kashmiris and Palestinians. Additionally, Zardari announced that awards will be conferred on 104 individuals, including former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Olympic gold medalist Arshad Nadeem, for their exceptional contributions to Pakistan. The awards will be presented at a special ceremony on March 23 next year.