The sweet gesture of a Lebanon-based man singing ‘Baby Shark’ to make a young girl smile during a flight has gained viral popularity, attracting over five million views. Birjawi shared the video on Instagram in which he was singing the children’s favourite song. In the clip, a little girl was sitting on her father’s lap; she is grinning when he sang it. However, this soon spread because other people on the plane joined him and started clapping and singing, which made the whole flight like an impromptu singing session.


Birjawi’s simple yet kind gesture captured the attention of viewers across social media. One user commented, “This is the kind of humanity we need more of. Thank you for spreading smiles! ” Another shared, “That little girl’s face is priceless. Such a beautiful moment!”

“Many praised the moment for its sense of unity, as one user said, “It’s amazing how one song brought everyone together,” and another added, “For a few minutes, everyone forgot their worries and just enjoyed the joy of music.” However, audience also reflected on the fact to little girl, wherein a viewer said, “That would be a core memory of her. Absolutely beautiful.” Other viewers thought it a huge display by father when his child had her joy in response to stranger kindness- “Imagine being that dad to see your child all bright for kindness from a random.” Birjawi reminds viewers how little acts in this life are powerful where “cheerful hearts” and catchy tunes remind a lot.