In a devastating attack, over 70 armed Israeli settlers descended on the Palestinian town of Jit in the occupied West Bank, leaving a trail of destruction. The settlers fired bullets and tear gas, set fire to homes, cars, and other properties, and left one Palestinian dead. The town’s village council head, Nasser Sedda, confirmed that his 23-year-old cousin, Rashid Sedda, was killed in the assault, which the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Health corroborated, stating he died from a chest injury.


Israeli Officials Condemn the Attack

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported that the settlers, some masked, set fires and hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails before being dispersed by Israeli security forces. Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, condemned the attack, labeling it a “serious nationalist crime” and vowing to bring those responsible to justice. The attack was also criticized by Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who called for swift action against the perpetrators, noting the harm caused to both the settler community and Israel’s global standing.


International Reactions

This incident is part of a long history of settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), over 1,100 such attacks have been recorded between October 2023 and August 2024, with at least 114 resulting in Palestinian casualties. US has imposed sanctions on Israeli settlers accused of violence, citing concerns about the impact on regional stability and Israel’s security. Despite international condemnation, Israel disputes the illegality of its settlements, which are viewed by many as a significant obstacle to peace in the region.