On Wednesday, the Indian High Commission in the UK observed ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’ at India House in London. Held on the eve of India’s 78th Independence Day, celebrated annually on August 15, the event was organised to honour the millions of families who endured the hardships of the 1947 partition.
Speaking on the occasion, India’s High Commissioner to the UK, Vikram Doraiswami, said, “Whatever was, what we sought for, was not what happened. But even in that, 77 years later, we can take comfort from the fact that we should at least have learnt the lesson of what happened, so that we at least take that lesson forward to subsequent generations.”
Honouring the sacrifices made by those in the past, Doraiswami said, it is “a debt that we owe those who came before us–a debt that we should discharge to those who come out.”
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