Delhi Police have reviewed and bolstered security at the Israeli Embassy and Chabad House following intelligence alerts triggered by the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. On July 31, Haniyeh and his bodyguard were killed in an airstrike at a residence he used in the Iranian capital.

Sources indicate that senior officers held a meeting to develop an extensive security plan for the two Israeli buildings in Delhi. A senior officer stated that a multi-layered security system is already in place, with numerous CCTV cameras installed around both sites. Additional personnel may be deployed if necessary.

On Thursday, the Delhi Police issued a clarification after a false alert about explosions was posted on social media platform X (formerly Twitter). The police confirmed it was a hoax, and the post was subsequently deleted.

In the past three years, two low-intensity blasts have occurred near the Israeli Embassy in Delhi, neither causing injuries. Security around the embassy was increased following the outbreak of conflict between Israel and Hamas last year.

The recent assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, who was considered the overall leader of Hamas, has heightened tensions in the Middle East. Iran has vowed retaliation against Israel, holding it responsible for the killing. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared it Tehran’s “duty to take revenge” against the “criminal, terrorist Zionist regime,” which he accused of martyring a “dear guest” on Iranian territory.